A Magnolia Friendship: A Sweet, Small Town Story by Anne-Marie Meyer on Iphone New Format

A Magnolia Friendship: A Sweet, Small Town Story. Anne-Marie Meyer

A Magnolia Friendship: A Sweet, Small Town Story

ISBN: 9798765550748 | 254 pages | 7 Mb
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  • A Magnolia Friendship: A Sweet, Small Town Story
  • Anne-Marie Meyer
  • Page: 254
  • Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
  • ISBN: 9798765550748
  • Publisher: Barnes & Noble Press
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★★★★★ "I love everything about this series, the town, the newly discovered love, but mostly the new and enduring friendships." -- Reviewer I thought when Craig walked out on me, that was it. I was never going to find love again... I was wrong. Welcome to Magnolia Shari I have discovered that being a single mom is one of the hardest things I've ever done. With my job, strained relationship with Tag, and trying to keep my household from falling apart, I barely has time for myself, much less dating. One night and out of an act of sheer stupidity, I allow Fiona, the new, young move-in, to convince the bookclub to go to a bar across the bridge. I didn't expect to find a guy who is easy to talk to. I didn't expect that he would quickly become my friend. And I didn't expect him to be the little brother of the town's know-it-all mayor. Victoria I've lived my entire life portraying perfection. As the daughter of a senator and the mayor of Magnolia, everything I do has to be precise and calculated. I thought everything was going my way, until my campaign manager informs me that the city doesn't feel connected to me. And suddenly, my re-election is on the line. In order to turn the residents back into my favor, I have to fix the one thing I've never been able to conquer—my personality. A Magnolia Friendship with capture you from page one. It's a story full of unexpected friendships, laughter, tears, and swoon-worthy romance.

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A Magnolia Friendship: A Sweet, Small Town Story
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